Growth on the Horizon
A new year often brings with it new goals and ambitions to grow, personally and professionally.
If you’re running a business, and need to take staff, customers, suppliers, investors and other stakeholders with you on this journey, defining and achieving ambitious growth plans can be daunting.
This is why Southampton Science Park is collaborating with the Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) on free Growth Clinics for businesses across the region. The hour-long consultation or mentoring sessions are fully-funded and open-ended, according to individual needs, and take place on the first Thursday of each month within our Incubation Centre.
Tapping into Enterprise M3 Growth Hub support also opens up access to an online GROWTHmapper® diagnostic tool and up to eight hours one-to-one professional coaching (which may be from Paul or one of his associates that specialise on, for example, raising finance, sustainability, bid writing or digital marketing).
Reflecting on the clinics he has held to date, Paul said: “Right now, business leaders are facing a convergence of challenges, including rising costs as a result of energy and wage inflation, problems recruiting and retaining staff, and demands to demonstrate stronger sustainability credentials. None of these are insurmountable but so often, company founders think they must be self-sufficient and there’s a resistance to ask for help.
“But, as the saying goes, ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’. It’s rare for a business founder to achieve their vision without a great deal of advice and support along the way. All successful companies have many growth stages to go through and every one of them is a learning curve.”
One company that Paul met with recently is ITDev, whose software and electronics designs touch millions of people every day. Managing Director, Bruce Mitchell, agrees that business coaching is valuable for all companies at any stage.
He commented: “Even though our business was established over twenty years ago, we are always learning and getting stronger. We have used business coaches for many years. Their input has been key to shaping our strategic thinking and organic growth. Paul has a wealth of business experience. He is a great sounding board and delivers real value during our meetings. I strongly encourage other businesses to take advantage of these one-to-one clinics.”
Paul would like to hear from anyone that wants to grow their business in the year ahead. Simply email Paul directly to book a one-hour exploratory meeting, during which you’ll discuss your growth vision and diagnose if there are any barriers to achieving it. No preparation is required.
The Enterprise M3 LEP Growth Clinics are part of a comprehensive programme of business support available at Southampton Science Park, which ranges from a varied events programme to formal coaching and membership programmes like Catalyst and SETsquared.