Park Facilities
Recognising our role in supporting the health and wellbeing of all who work here, Southampton Science Park’s range of on-site facilities helps our resident companies to recruit and retain talented team members.
Supplementing the communal kitchen facilities located within office buildings, Fusion cafes are located in Venture Road and Benham Road, open daily for refreshments and lunch.
Those who wish to embrace alternative methods of transport have a variety of options. These include secure cycle storage and shower facilities, electric car charge points available on a pay-as-you-go basis, a car-share scheme in partnership with Liftshare and an Enterprise Car Club Scheme for ad-hoc journeys. We also have a dedicated bus which services multiple transport routes to and from the Science Park, including to Southampton Parkway for ongoing air and train connections. This service also operates a lunchtime service to local superstore, Asda.
We are also pleased to offer childcare provision via Bright Horizons, which is run independently on-site, as is the Best Western Chilworth Manor Hotel and Leisure Club.
"Our well-qualified team of highly motivated and experienced staff work together to provide a well-balanced programme of fun activities and learning experiences, within a carefully planned curriculum. Our unique Ready for School programme fosters an enjoyment of early literacy and maths, with our Growing Readers, Writers and Mathematicians Enhancements helping children to recognise letters, words and numbers in their environment." Bright Horizons Nursery.
To enquire about the Nursery at Southampton Science Park please contact Bright Horizons directly:
Telephone: 0330 828 9113
Bright HorizonsChilworth Day Nursery and Preschool provides exceptional quality childcare and education