Nine23 Ltd
Nine23 enables people to use technology securely: consumer simplicity with enterprise security.
Nine23 is your trusted, honest cyber security Partner.
We provide UK sovereign private cloud, managed IT services and cyber secure solutions to enable end-users in today’s workplace to use technology, securely.
We passionately believe that the end-user should be at the heart of everything we do. To be empowered to use technology as they need and with confidence in the secure protection – consumer simplicity with enterprise security.
We fully understand the value and need for cyber security as a business enabler rather than a business constraint. Through our vast experience of working with national and local, clients and partners we have consistently achieved the highest levels of accreditation and assurance from national bodies and organisations. To provide confidence that the systems we develop can be used at highly classified levels (OFFICIAL-Sensitive to Secret).
A message from our CEO, Stuart McKean:
What’s in a name? Before I say where the name came from, I should explain the ethos of Nine23 to set the context. The best way to do this I feel, is to set out what we have in our company strategy.
Why do we exist? Nine23 exists to enable the front line user (FLX). We passionately believe that mobile technology enhances the front line user and they should be put first.
What is our vision? To become a leading secure enterprise mobility management company within global regulated and compliance industries, continuing to put the front line user experience first.
And our mission? Our mission is to deliver complete enterprise mobility solutions that support the operational end user in governed and regulated markets.
Our values: The Front Line User is who we represent; to develop trust; to show integrity; to be results/delivery/outcome focused; to show respect; to strive for excellence - always act with competence and strive to advance; and to take responsibility. In simple terms, we put the end-user first and enable the use of technology.
Why is this so important to Nine23? Surely this is what everyone states in their sales material? Well many do state this, but in my case, I spent 23 years in the Army and I can tell a war story or two (grossly exaggerated of course) like most that have been in the military. I know what it’s like to have equipment that is not the best, or even fit for purpose. The military is one area where users will always use their own equipment (boots, gortex, GPS etc) to some extent to make their lives easier. But it is not just them that do this, and don’t get me wrong not all equipment is useless. So, we want to enable the end user to make the most of what today’s technology offers, but also understand its limitations. Whatever industry you operate in it should be the end-user that is put first.
Which leads me back to the question: why Nine23? It is as simple as the last 3 digits from my Army service number – “my last three”.
Stuart McKean (2017)
Founded in
Based on Southampton Science Park since