Wood PLC
Wood is a global provider of asset integrity and reliability solutions to the energy and industrial sectors, managing all aspects throughout the asset lifecycle, from design to decommissioning.
Wood delivers a comprehensive range of services to support our customers across the entire asset life cycle. From concept to decommissioning our capability draws on a powerful network of skilled professionals to help you design, build, operate, and improve facilities in a diverse range of energy, process and industrial markets.
The rich heritage of our organisation makes us a respected global presence, combining unrivalled technical knowledge and outstanding delivery. Our safe, cost-effective service ensures our customers release the true value from their assets. We have long-standing partnerships founded on our ability to consistently deliver successful outcomes. Our flexible approach provides the right assurance and scale to achieve project goals, from specialist consultancy services to project-based delivery or long-term contracts. A culture of improvement and best practice infuses all of our operations, and our relentless drive coupled with an endless curiosity enables us to solve any business challenge.
Static Equipment and Structures:
Piping systems, including supports and structures, face vibration and fatigue risks due to various static and transient causes. Many jurisdictions require screening and vibration analysis to avoid fatigue failures. Services include: Topsides/onshore and subsea piping vibration and fatigue assessments to the Energy Institute AVIFF guidelines; Multiphase flow, transients (water hammer), structural dynamics and pipe stress analysis; On-site investigation and troubleshooting of piping and static equipment vibration issues; and Advanced engineering (e.g., fitness-for-service level 3, non-linear FEA, CFD).
Machinery Analysis (compressors, pumps and systems):
Compressors, pumps and other production systems can experience significant vibration risks. Vibration and dynamics analyses are needed during the design of these systems, or when modifying an existing processes (management of change). These studies are defined by API (e.g., API 618, 619, 674, 688), ISO or other industry guidelines. Topics include mechanical resonance, pulsations, surge, rotor dynamics, skid and structural dynamics, foundation design, small-bore piping and pipe stress.
Rotating Equipment Reliability:
A suite of reliability services to support rotating equipment. Standard reliability services include condition monitoring programs, performance monitoring, balancing, alignments and condition assessments. Specialist reliability services include reliability-centred maintenance (RCM), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA, spares optimization, maintenance program builds, and reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) modelling.
Noise Management:
Our noise group specializes in providing a wide range of environmental and occupational noise services and solutions focused on improving the health, safety and environmental performance of our operations. Noise needs to be considered in many contexts including environmental approval, regulatory compliance, management of health and safety, community relations and operational efficiency. When noise becomes excessive it requires elimination, mitigation or management. Our services include noise surveys, monitoring and prediction to detailed design of engineering noise controls.
Field Engineering and Troubleshooting:
Our global team of field engineers provide specialist troubleshooting, failure analysis, baseline testing, and performance testing. This work involves vibration, stress, and noise analysis for rotating equipment, piping systems and structures.
Anti-Vibration Products:
Damping, absorbers, vibration clamps and customized vibration products.
Certified training programs (vibration, lubrication, thermography) and general seminars, courses and custom training for the above disciplines.
Operating in more than 60 countries
Employed people
Revenues of over