NIHR ARC Wessex conducts applied health research as part of the National Institute for Health Research, the research arm of the NHS.
We are the Applied Research Collaboration for Wessex. As part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) our mission is to improve outcomes for patients and public; improve quality, delivery and efficiency of health and care services; increase the sustainability of health and care systems locally and nationally.
We have four main research areas covering: Ageing and Dementia, Healthy Communities, Long-term Conditions and a cross cutting theme looking at Workforce and Health Systems. They are all supported by our Central team and Patient and Public Involvement team.
We are funded by the NIHR for 5 years until September 2024 and bring together academic teams from Southampton, Portsmouth, Winchester and Bournemouth Universities and clinical expertise from NHS Trusts across Wessex and beyond. We work across all health and care sectors.
Research projects to improving the health and wellbeing of people in Wessex
Trained clinicians and academics conducting world class applied health research
Based at Southampton Science Park since