Attracting and Retaining Talent
The Science Park was pleased to represent its resident community at the University of Southampton’s Autumn Career Fair.
A founding member of the Russell Group, the research-intensive University has a demonstrable £4.14bn impact on the UK economy and it has generated 72 spin-out companies with a combined turnover of £370m.
Lucinda Lamont, Business Development Manager, enjoyed meeting with undergraduates at the event while raising the profile of the Science Park and its resident community on campus.
She said, “We know that many companies are finding it difficult to recruit right now and yet there’s a wide range of talented students looking for opportunities to bring their skills and ideas into the workplace, so I was pleased to help seed those connections. It’s so important for the growth of our regional economy to retain locally the enormous talent that our local universities nurture.
“Several Science Park companies equipped me with application details for roles that they are looking to recruit for, which gave students important insight into the skills and competencies employers want. These companies included Semantic, Accelercomm, MAC Ltd, Renovos, WOOD PLC, Appear TV and Spectrum IT.
“I was delighted to be joined by Ernie Shelton - Director at Horizon Power and Energy, who came along in person to give students the opportunity to ask questions firsthand. It was clear that they found this very helpful and I am grateful to Ernie for giving his time so freely to support this event.”