The Six Stars of 2022
Southampton Science Park’s Gamechanger Award Winners have been revealed.
We are delighted to announce that awards, certificates and bottles of bubbly have been distributed to our Six Stars of 2022, who are:
TOP DOG: for an extraordinary executive for whom effective leadership and business success is seemingly a breeze. Won by:
- Ian Cruickshank - Spectrum IT, for leading and growing his business whilst engendering a formidable team spirit resulting in happy and engaged staff.
INNOVATION ICON: for a business that is blazing a supersonic creative trail, leading from the front on an undeterred mission to make the world a better place. Won by:
- Absolar for its innovative AI-based technology helping organisations to make informed solar power decisions, and its team for practising what they preach.
SHOOTING STAR: for an individual that has taken huge strides towards personal or business growth and is showing considerable promise for the future. Won by:
- Sam Fower - The Club for his tenacity in transforming his own personal health and fitness and his work in helping others to do the same.
WONDEROUS WORKPLACE: for a business that has created an exceptional working environment that is a home from home. Won by:
- Promega for its wonderful building on the Benham Campus which combines incredible style with placing employee needs at the heart of the building.
SUSTAINABILITY SUPERHERO: for a business that always considers the environmental impact of its actions, working to prioritise the planet along with profit. Won by:
- Critical Software for being the Science Park’s first B-Corp and making sustainability an integral part of everything it does.
COMMUNITY OR CULTURAL CHAMPION: for an individual that always looks up from their screen to consider the impact of their actions on others. Won by:
- JoJo Zhou – Fusion Coffee Shop for brightening the day of anyone who walks into 5 Benham Road through her tireless good humour.
The Science Park team warmly congratulates all of the above individuals and companies on their achievements this year and wish them continued success as we head into 2023.
Thank you to all who took the time to enter themselves or nominate someone else for a pat on the back in our fun little awards initiative.