Supporting Science Parks
Dr Robin Chave, Southampton Science Park’s CEO was pleased to be invited to speak at the UK Science Park Association (UKSPA) meeting, “University Science Parks - The New Landscape”, on 27 th May.
This virtual event was part of UKSPA’s webinar programme designed to encourage the science park community in the UK and beyond to address challenges and opportunities across the innovation sector as we emerge from Covid-19.
Robin was specifically asked to contribute a session on Southampton Science Park’s Catalyst business accelerator programme, regarded as a shining example of how such programmes support the development of early-stage innovation companies and the commercialisation of university research.
He commented: “It was my pleasure to address this meeting at such a pivotal time for many in the innovation sector. Catalyst has been a consistent success for us and we are now recruiting for our 11 th cohort of science and technology led businesses. Since its inception, participant businesses have raised in excess of £25m in funding while generating significant employment opportunities for our region.”