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The NHS 10 Year-Forward Plan – What it Means for your Small Business

The healthcare sector is a dynamic market which continues to evolve and change. The NHS Long-Term Plan recognises that the needs of the population in 10 years will be very different to what they are now and that the system will need to adapt to meet these changes.

For your health sector company, this could be an exciting opportunity to embrace change and promote innovation however understanding the plan and how it can impact your business can be a challenge. This event, co-run by Southampton Science Park and Wessex Academic Health Science Network, aims to explore the NHS Long-Term Plan, what it means for you, your customers and your business. Hosted by Peter Rhodes from Wessex Academic Health Science Network, this event will help you understand;

  • The NHS Five-Year Forward View
  • New Models of Care
  • Workforce and Skills
  • The Use of Technology and Data

Book now, using the button below,  to reserve your place to this free event: the deposit will be refunded to you on admission.

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We’re looking forward to seeing you there!


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