ATAIN and PReCePT Study Day
With term admissions becoming mandated as a focus for all services across the country, this study day is your opportunity to gain a national update, hear local organisations progress over the last year, challenges and presentations of QI PROJECTS.
This study day will also provide information surrounding the regional, ongoing implementation of PReCePT. PReCePT is one of the seven programmes being adopted and spread across the country by all 15 AHSNs during 2018-2020, funded by NHS England. The West of England AHSN is leading on this programme. This work brings together the 15 AHSNs and the aligned drivers of the Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative (MNHSC) and the national Patient Safety Collaboratives (PSCs). Together, they aim to ensure at least 85% of all eligible mothers are receiving magnesium sulphate across all maternity units in England by 2020.